New Year, is here again, and probably followed by another round of resolutions that will fall by the wayside in the near future. Do not worry, we are all in the same boat!
In Yoga we often talk about Yama and Niyama, or as Swami Satyananda Saraswati defines them as social and personal codes, as the initial two stages of Raja Yoga. Most people who practice Yoga are aware of the second and third stages, Asana (postures) and Pranayama (the control of the breath or life force), missing out the first two stages. It is however appropriate to bring them into the conversation at this time of the year as they marry nicely into the 'resolutions' mentality.
Having social and personal codes (or ethics) is, or should be, part of life, they are certainly part of Yoga. I often talk about Ahimsa (the first Yama) meaning to do no harm; and that means to both yourself and others. A good place to start with any resolution is to look after yourself, through sensible eating or sensible exercise, I use sensible advisedly, as over eating or under eating or just eating the wrong foods, as well as over exercising can be equally harmful.
When entering into relaxation at the end of a class we sometimes add in a 'resolve', that is often a short term resolve to focus our attention on a positive aspect of the practice. The short term aspect should be achievable and as I work in a business that is all about SMART, the achievable and measurable elements are paramount.
So what is the message here? Well, think about your New Year's resolutions, make them achievable, do not set ridiculous goals i.e. I am never going to eat chocolate again (never going to happen)! Take it one day at a time and if you fail do not beat yourself up about it. Get back up and begin again. One days success can be followed by two, three and four...
Many Yoga students tell me they have no time to practice at home, it is one lesson a week or bust! If you have you own mat just 'sit on it', if you actually sit on it you are more likely to do something than staring at it rolled up in the corner. Take a forward bend followed by a back bend whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, take some deep breaths whilst waiting in the supermarket queue or just stop and relax for 30 seconds when things are going pear shaped; it's all good Yoga.
Mark's missives
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Yoga 2 - 05/08/2018
What is the point of doing Yoga?
Every person will, of course, have their own reasons for doing Yoga, but to give it some context I can relate it to my passion for running. I ran from the day-to-day pressures, as a release and escape into a place of calmness and on occasion a meditative state. This meditative state was not a constant though, so I needed to look at why I felt like this sometimes but not always.
Yoga is underpinned by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and, without getting too heavy, the second verse defines Yoga as the 'controlling of the activities of the mind' or in my plain English, shutting up the grasping monkey that keeps chatting to me about all the things I need to do, or role playing how I am going to deal with life's daily problems.
So the calmness I experienced whilst running is something I can bring about through the physical process of Yoga, the coordination of the breath and associated relaxation techniques.
The first verse of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is an introduction and is generally translated to 'now the teachings of Yoga begin' but it is often missed that the first word 'now' can be looked at as 'being in the now' or being mindful. Mindfulness is 'now' very popular in modern society!
So, who does not want some inner peace? I certainly need respite from the information overload I am exposed to everyday and I need to keep my body in a functional state, so Yoga provides me and those who practice regularly with tools to create a little inner peace and escape the never ending avalanche that is considered to be normal daily life in the West.
Every person will, of course, have their own reasons for doing Yoga, but to give it some context I can relate it to my passion for running. I ran from the day-to-day pressures, as a release and escape into a place of calmness and on occasion a meditative state. This meditative state was not a constant though, so I needed to look at why I felt like this sometimes but not always.
Yoga is underpinned by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and, without getting too heavy, the second verse defines Yoga as the 'controlling of the activities of the mind' or in my plain English, shutting up the grasping monkey that keeps chatting to me about all the things I need to do, or role playing how I am going to deal with life's daily problems.
So the calmness I experienced whilst running is something I can bring about through the physical process of Yoga, the coordination of the breath and associated relaxation techniques.
The first verse of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is an introduction and is generally translated to 'now the teachings of Yoga begin' but it is often missed that the first word 'now' can be looked at as 'being in the now' or being mindful. Mindfulness is 'now' very popular in modern society!
So, who does not want some inner peace? I certainly need respite from the information overload I am exposed to everyday and I need to keep my body in a functional state, so Yoga provides me and those who practice regularly with tools to create a little inner peace and escape the never ending avalanche that is considered to be normal daily life in the West.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Yoga 1 - 15/07/2018
I never start talking about Yoga without first bringing up ahiṃsā, because for me, like the coordination of breath and movement, it is a fundamental part to our understanding of why Yoga is different to popping down the gym for a workout.
As one of the Yamas, on the first rung of the Yogic ladder, it is talked about by many scholars and interpreted in many ways. I bow to those learned people who have gone before, but need to equate it to my level of understanding to translate it onward to my students.
Ahiṃsā for me means 'non harming', acting with kindness to ourselves and others in a productive and considerate way. Within a Yoga class it means not trying to do something you cannot do and risking injury, being honest with yourself as to the possible outcomes and not competing with the person on the next mat; in this case it really is 'all about you'.
Form is high on the fitness agenda and often over-rides function, 'I want to look good' seems to be the main requirement! Yoga puts function first, in that you may not develop a six pack but you will be able to bend over and do up your shoe laces or ride out the stressful day at work.
We could argue the merits of exercise in all of these areas but I am a Yoga teacher and Yoga has helped me survive a number of battles; so I would say that!
So this is where we start, by keeping ourselves safe and being honest about what we can and can't do today, because with a sustained Yoga practice tomorrow might be very different.
As one of the Yamas, on the first rung of the Yogic ladder, it is talked about by many scholars and interpreted in many ways. I bow to those learned people who have gone before, but need to equate it to my level of understanding to translate it onward to my students.
Ahiṃsā for me means 'non harming', acting with kindness to ourselves and others in a productive and considerate way. Within a Yoga class it means not trying to do something you cannot do and risking injury, being honest with yourself as to the possible outcomes and not competing with the person on the next mat; in this case it really is 'all about you'.
Form is high on the fitness agenda and often over-rides function, 'I want to look good' seems to be the main requirement! Yoga puts function first, in that you may not develop a six pack but you will be able to bend over and do up your shoe laces or ride out the stressful day at work.
We could argue the merits of exercise in all of these areas but I am a Yoga teacher and Yoga has helped me survive a number of battles; so I would say that!
So this is where we start, by keeping ourselves safe and being honest about what we can and can't do today, because with a sustained Yoga practice tomorrow might be very different.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
We visited the Chinese embassy in London three times in our attempts to get visas for the trip. The first vist we were sure we had everything but the complex nature of detailing the paper trail from adopting a Chinese child to her becoming a US citizen and then receiving British citizenship could not easily be shown. We not only had to produce our current passports but our previous passports with the previous visas, our daughters previous passports and her original Chinese passport. The adoption paperwork, originals and copies were needed and we fell down because some of the paperwork was not A4, it was an American size. This coupled with the adoption certificate not being an original and our itinerary not being fully evidenced tipped us over into having to make another journey.
Remember, cross the Ts and dot the Is.
I must say the man doing the checking was befuddled with the scope of paperwork in front of him and I have every sympathy. I asked his name and was unusually patient and pleasant as he bound up our paperwork. My sympathy grew as the next person he dealt with was a very loud and very angry Australian man pointing at pieces of paper and protesting at the rigorous process he was being forced to follow. We trudged off out into London crest-fallen but wiser for the experience.
I returned alone a week later and asked for Eric by name, and a little 'yes sir, no sir' went a long way. Our correctly sized paperwork, original documentation and a very detailed itinerary, did the trick and he smiled and stamped each and every document, bundled them up and gave me three receipts.
He then explained the current regulations, in full, and why my wife's visa duration was significantly shorter. he then outlined the costs in detail and the proceedure for collection. I smiled and nodded in a way I hoped indicated I understood his every word, in reality I just kept hearing 'your visas will now be processed'. Oddly there were different Australians applying for visas on this occasion, and they too were shouting and frustratedly forcing paperwork through tiny windows in a vain attempt to sway the decision making process. I am pretty sure it did not work for them either.
Another week later and the best part of £500 spent we collected our passports and visas and believed ourselves clever for having endured the experience. All in all we were exhausted and this was only the beginning, but it was however a good lesson in patience and how to apply for official Chinese documentation.
然后,他解释了全部当前的规定,为什么我的妻子的签证时间明显短了些。 他然后概述了详细的成本和收集的程序。 我微笑着点点头,希望表示我明白他的每一个字,实际上我只是不断听到“你的签证将被处理”。奇怪的是,有不同的澳大利亚人在这个时候申请签证,他们也大喊和沮丧地将文件推进通过微小的窗户,试图摆脱决策过程。 我很确定它对他们也不起作用。
Remember, cross the Ts and dot the Is.
I must say the man doing the checking was befuddled with the scope of paperwork in front of him and I have every sympathy. I asked his name and was unusually patient and pleasant as he bound up our paperwork. My sympathy grew as the next person he dealt with was a very loud and very angry Australian man pointing at pieces of paper and protesting at the rigorous process he was being forced to follow. We trudged off out into London crest-fallen but wiser for the experience.
I returned alone a week later and asked for Eric by name, and a little 'yes sir, no sir' went a long way. Our correctly sized paperwork, original documentation and a very detailed itinerary, did the trick and he smiled and stamped each and every document, bundled them up and gave me three receipts.
He then explained the current regulations, in full, and why my wife's visa duration was significantly shorter. he then outlined the costs in detail and the proceedure for collection. I smiled and nodded in a way I hoped indicated I understood his every word, in reality I just kept hearing 'your visas will now be processed'. Oddly there were different Australians applying for visas on this occasion, and they too were shouting and frustratedly forcing paperwork through tiny windows in a vain attempt to sway the decision making process. I am pretty sure it did not work for them either.
Another week later and the best part of £500 spent we collected our passports and visas and believed ourselves clever for having endured the experience. All in all we were exhausted and this was only the beginning, but it was however a good lesson in patience and how to apply for official Chinese documentation.
然后,他解释了全部当前的规定,为什么我的妻子的签证时间明显短了些。 他然后概述了详细的成本和收集的程序。 我微笑着点点头,希望表示我明白他的每一个字,实际上我只是不断听到“你的签证将被处理”。奇怪的是,有不同的澳大利亚人在这个时候申请签证,他们也大喊和沮丧地将文件推进通过微小的窗户,试图摆脱决策过程。 我很确定它对他们也不起作用。
Day 15 was the 30th December 2016
Day 15 was the 30th December 2016 and it was our last day, but our flight was a night flight so we had one last full day before we flew back to England.

We planned a slow morning to pack and get ourselves together for a long day and night. We filled one suitcase with clothes and one with souvenirs, then forced our remaining clothes and shoes into the third case which we took to a local charity shop. They looked a bit confused but once we had explained we did not want any money they took it gladly.
We checked out and put our luggage into the hotel store and set off to Victoria peak. It was not a holiday but the queues were still staggeringly long, so we opted for a taxi, that took us straight up and cost significantly less than the tram. The weather was not clear but the views were still good and we again avoided the throng of people by using the free look-outs rather than the paid ones. We walked up to the Governor's house and around the grounds and out came the sun and I did some yoga and our daughter some handstands on a remote view point.

It began to feel like the last day and our energy levels began to wane, so we took our last taxi down to the tram office and then walked through the botanical gardens and zoo as the light faded. We watched the monkeys tucking in for the night and the local feral cats coming out for their evening prowl.
In hindsight I wish we had gone down to the harbour to see the lights but the truth was I was glad to see the airport and to sit and wait patiently for the flight home.
We cashed in our Octopus cards and brought sweets with the money and I pooled the remainder of my wife's money and mine to buy a garish orange watch. This last purchase was a nod to my one previous visit to this airport ten years ago. Then with my son in tow I brought a garish orange watch and we ate at Popeye's, now ten years later, with my daughter in tow, we did exactly the same.
In some ways this trip had been as much of an exploration for me as it had for our daughter. Here she 'fitted in' in a way I had never seen her fit in before, she was at home amongst her own people. Her westernisation was inevitable but her roots would always be in the East.
My journal was written and I sat on the plane as it roared through the night sky. I could make rash comments about seeking new horizons and expanding my worldly view, the truth of the matter is our son, dogs and bed were all we craved and in a matter of hours we would be home.
We planned a slow morning to pack and get ourselves together for a long day and night. We filled one suitcase with clothes and one with souvenirs, then forced our remaining clothes and shoes into the third case which we took to a local charity shop. They looked a bit confused but once we had explained we did not want any money they took it gladly.
We checked out and put our luggage into the hotel store and set off to Victoria peak. It was not a holiday but the queues were still staggeringly long, so we opted for a taxi, that took us straight up and cost significantly less than the tram. The weather was not clear but the views were still good and we again avoided the throng of people by using the free look-outs rather than the paid ones. We walked up to the Governor's house and around the grounds and out came the sun and I did some yoga and our daughter some handstands on a remote view point.
It began to feel like the last day and our energy levels began to wane, so we took our last taxi down to the tram office and then walked through the botanical gardens and zoo as the light faded. We watched the monkeys tucking in for the night and the local feral cats coming out for their evening prowl.
In hindsight I wish we had gone down to the harbour to see the lights but the truth was I was glad to see the airport and to sit and wait patiently for the flight home.
We cashed in our Octopus cards and brought sweets with the money and I pooled the remainder of my wife's money and mine to buy a garish orange watch. This last purchase was a nod to my one previous visit to this airport ten years ago. Then with my son in tow I brought a garish orange watch and we ate at Popeye's, now ten years later, with my daughter in tow, we did exactly the same.
In some ways this trip had been as much of an exploration for me as it had for our daughter. Here she 'fitted in' in a way I had never seen her fit in before, she was at home amongst her own people. Her westernisation was inevitable but her roots would always be in the East.
My journal was written and I sat on the plane as it roared through the night sky. I could make rash comments about seeking new horizons and expanding my worldly view, the truth of the matter is our son, dogs and bed were all we craved and in a matter of hours we would be home.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Day 14 was the 29th December 2016
Day 14 was the 29th December 2016 and if we had not realised we were back in a more western environment today would be our crash landing.
Disney Hong Kong is best described in pictures, but if I never see 'Grizzly Gulch' again, it will be too soon.

Disney is recognisable wherever in the world you find it and Hong Kong was pretty much standard stuff, except the sweets and snacks. I had Korean squid, turkey legs and sweetcorn on a stick, no cows this time but rather hungry sparrows followed us around in a similarly menacing way. Chocolate was in short supply and the usual array of sugary treats was absent, with the exception of oddly coloured candy floss.
I did enjoy the special MTR train that took us there and, after the grand parade at the days end, back again. It was much more sedate than the rollercoaster rides and merry-go-rounds of the day.
Our daughter thought the day was great, and that was really the point, and secretly I had a great time too, with a particular favourite being the Lion King spectacular. It was meant to have been an antidote to the potential traumas of returning to the orphanage and to escape the ravages of our time in China. In reality I longed to be back in Ning Yuan and particularly among the people who had shown us such hospitality and understanding, but it seemed like a distant memory now, now we were squashed on the MTR and in the Hong Kong rush hour.
迪斯尼在世界上任何地方都是一样的,香港除了糖果和小吃之外,其实是很标准的。 我吃韩国鱿鱼,火鸡腿和甜玉米棒,这一次没有牛,但相当饥饿的麻雀以相同险恶的方式跟在我们周围。巧克力供应不足,除了奇怪的彩色棉花糖之外,没有任何含糖的食物。
Disney Hong Kong is best described in pictures, but if I never see 'Grizzly Gulch' again, it will be too soon.
Disney is recognisable wherever in the world you find it and Hong Kong was pretty much standard stuff, except the sweets and snacks. I had Korean squid, turkey legs and sweetcorn on a stick, no cows this time but rather hungry sparrows followed us around in a similarly menacing way. Chocolate was in short supply and the usual array of sugary treats was absent, with the exception of oddly coloured candy floss.
I did enjoy the special MTR train that took us there and, after the grand parade at the days end, back again. It was much more sedate than the rollercoaster rides and merry-go-rounds of the day.
Our daughter thought the day was great, and that was really the point, and secretly I had a great time too, with a particular favourite being the Lion King spectacular. It was meant to have been an antidote to the potential traumas of returning to the orphanage and to escape the ravages of our time in China. In reality I longed to be back in Ning Yuan and particularly among the people who had shown us such hospitality and understanding, but it seemed like a distant memory now, now we were squashed on the MTR and in the Hong Kong rush hour.
迪斯尼在世界上任何地方都是一样的,香港除了糖果和小吃之外,其实是很标准的。 我吃韩国鱿鱼,火鸡腿和甜玉米棒,这一次没有牛,但相当饥饿的麻雀以相同险恶的方式跟在我们周围。巧克力供应不足,除了奇怪的彩色棉花糖之外,没有任何含糖的食物。
Day 13 was the 28th December 2016
Day 13 was the 28th December 2016 and we needed an antidote to our first day in Hong Kong, so we caught the MTR out to Lantau island and caught a cable car up to see the Tian Tan Buddha, the Po Lin monastery and to walk the wisdom path.
The cable car was spectacular, but we dodged the package tour and caught the standard, non glass bottomed, car. This was again a good call as the package was expensive and would have meant we were on the conveyor belt again. It transpired the queues for the glass bottomed cars were longer and we were on our way fairly quickly. We had ginger tea at the top and with the clean fresh air we were enlivened. The grounds had free roaming cows and dogs and we interacted with the cows and watched as they stole snacks from unsuspecting passers by; all were in good condition.
We had an early vegetarian lunch at Po Lin and lit huge amounts on incense in the temple grounds. The temple itself was modern and too affluent for my tastes, I preferred the first Tin Hau temple near the hotel. We then climbed up the steep stairs to see the giant sitting Buddha and admire the views, it too was a modern manifestation but felt less 20th century.

We decended and picked up the wisdom path and walked up a steep and rather precarious path to find a large rock. It boasted a great view of the Buddha but also of the surrounding island and bay, a bay we later found on the map that appeared to be a penal colony!

Our return journey saw us stop again for ginger tea but also again to watch the sacred cows, that turned out to be spoilt bullys. They pestered, harassed and even injured a poor unsuspecting lady in their attempts to steal snacks, mainly cooked sweet corn and sweet potatoes, but generally anything that was or looked edible. Paper cups, bags and packaging disappeared and a handbag was uncerimoniously stolen, upturned and its contents investigated for edibility. They were clearly not very enlightened.
The visit was quite a highlight and one we would recommend to anyone visiting Hong Kong. The journey down, although the queue was longer to get down, was as equally spectacular and the day proved to be the required antidote.
We returned to Tin Hau and had a Thai meal before our now customary evening walk in Victoria park, we had a lot to reflect on but the naughty cows were the talk of the day!
缆车是很壮观的,但我们避开包套旅行,搭标准非玻璃底车。这又是一个好主意,因为包套是昂贵的,而且意味着我们必须再一次跟着制式行程走。同时我们也发现排玻璃底车的队伍更长,所以用走路的相对地快了一些。我们在山顶上享用了姜茶,和呼吸干净的新鲜空气,让我们活跃了起来。牧场有自由漫游的牛和狗,我们与牛互动,看着他们从毫无戒心的路人窃取小吃; 所有牛都很健康。
我们在宝林提前吃素食午餐,在寺庙的地方点燃了大量的香。 寺庙本身是现代的,对我的品味来说太过多了,我喜欢酒店附近的第一个天后寺庙。 然后,我们爬上陡峭的楼梯,看到巨大的坐佛,欣赏这里景色,它也是一个现代的表现,但感觉少于20世纪。
我们走下坡,接续心经简林,走上一条陡峭岌岌可危的路,发现一颗大石头。 它自诩可看见一个很大的佛像,还有周围的岛屿和海湾,那个海湾我们后来发现在地图上似乎是一个囚犯的流放地!
回程我们再次停下来喝生姜茶,但也再次看到神圣的牛,牠变成了被宠坏的恶霸。 牠们偷窃,骚扰,甚至伤害一个可怜的不知情的女士,他们试图窃取小吃,主要是煮熟的甜玉米和红薯,但一般是任何东西,或看起来可食用。 纸杯,袋子和包装消失了,一个手提包不经意地被偷了,被翻过,并探查里面是否有可吃的东西。 显然是他们未经开导。
The cable car was spectacular, but we dodged the package tour and caught the standard, non glass bottomed, car. This was again a good call as the package was expensive and would have meant we were on the conveyor belt again. It transpired the queues for the glass bottomed cars were longer and we were on our way fairly quickly. We had ginger tea at the top and with the clean fresh air we were enlivened. The grounds had free roaming cows and dogs and we interacted with the cows and watched as they stole snacks from unsuspecting passers by; all were in good condition.
We had an early vegetarian lunch at Po Lin and lit huge amounts on incense in the temple grounds. The temple itself was modern and too affluent for my tastes, I preferred the first Tin Hau temple near the hotel. We then climbed up the steep stairs to see the giant sitting Buddha and admire the views, it too was a modern manifestation but felt less 20th century.
We decended and picked up the wisdom path and walked up a steep and rather precarious path to find a large rock. It boasted a great view of the Buddha but also of the surrounding island and bay, a bay we later found on the map that appeared to be a penal colony!
Our return journey saw us stop again for ginger tea but also again to watch the sacred cows, that turned out to be spoilt bullys. They pestered, harassed and even injured a poor unsuspecting lady in their attempts to steal snacks, mainly cooked sweet corn and sweet potatoes, but generally anything that was or looked edible. Paper cups, bags and packaging disappeared and a handbag was uncerimoniously stolen, upturned and its contents investigated for edibility. They were clearly not very enlightened.
The visit was quite a highlight and one we would recommend to anyone visiting Hong Kong. The journey down, although the queue was longer to get down, was as equally spectacular and the day proved to be the required antidote.
We returned to Tin Hau and had a Thai meal before our now customary evening walk in Victoria park, we had a lot to reflect on but the naughty cows were the talk of the day!
缆车是很壮观的,但我们避开包套旅行,搭标准非玻璃底车。这又是一个好主意,因为包套是昂贵的,而且意味着我们必须再一次跟着制式行程走。同时我们也发现排玻璃底车的队伍更长,所以用走路的相对地快了一些。我们在山顶上享用了姜茶,和呼吸干净的新鲜空气,让我们活跃了起来。牧场有自由漫游的牛和狗,我们与牛互动,看着他们从毫无戒心的路人窃取小吃; 所有牛都很健康。
我们在宝林提前吃素食午餐,在寺庙的地方点燃了大量的香。 寺庙本身是现代的,对我的品味来说太过多了,我喜欢酒店附近的第一个天后寺庙。 然后,我们爬上陡峭的楼梯,看到巨大的坐佛,欣赏这里景色,它也是一个现代的表现,但感觉少于20世纪。
我们走下坡,接续心经简林,走上一条陡峭岌岌可危的路,发现一颗大石头。 它自诩可看见一个很大的佛像,还有周围的岛屿和海湾,那个海湾我们后来发现在地图上似乎是一个囚犯的流放地!
回程我们再次停下来喝生姜茶,但也再次看到神圣的牛,牠变成了被宠坏的恶霸。 牠们偷窃,骚扰,甚至伤害一个可怜的不知情的女士,他们试图窃取小吃,主要是煮熟的甜玉米和红薯,但一般是任何东西,或看起来可食用。 纸杯,袋子和包装消失了,一个手提包不经意地被偷了,被翻过,并探查里面是否有可吃的东西。 显然是他们未经开导。
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