We left the hotel and walked to the Jing'An temple via the local park and although it may sound a bit clichéd I loved the park as it was full of people doing Tai Chi, Wing Chun and/or Qi Gong. It was difficult to differentiate for the uninitiated but just looked beautiful.
Jing'An was very familiar in its makeup but did have a giant lucky jade stone that had to be rubbed. The architecture was amazing and the history deep, having been relocated and renovated. The great bells, gongs, drums and statues were all worth seeing and we lit some incense to pray for a safe stay in China. It is however quite incongruous to see the old in such close proximity to the new buildings that surround it.
We then took the tube across town to the Bund and the HuangPu Jiang. Having had some family photos taken we walked down to the ferry to cross the river. The smog was visible but we still managed to enjoy the views. The architecture was very European but a chiming clock played some very traditional Chinese music. Chris explained the South side of the river was considered the poorer and successful businesses were confined to the North. We enjoyed the South more as it was cleaner, greener and there were a few dogs being walked. Chris and I sat in a cafe and discussed orphanage stuff but the ladies braved the Oriental Pearl tower. I had been using Gū'ér yuàn for orphanage but Chris corrected me to use Fúlì yuàn or welfare institute.
We also saw the Jin Mao Tower and with the Yu Yuan or Yu Gardens and the Nine Bends Bridge or Jiu Qu Qiao, that we went to next, were all part of the Pimsleur language learning experience. I had been learning those names and the associated phrases for weeks and now I was actually looking at them.
We did not go into Yu Gardens as we had planned to look at formal gardens in SuZhou but we did walk Nine Bends Bridge, the devils do not follow you across as they are afraid of bends. We then went to the Dragon gate mall, for a little shopping, and some green tea. Chris was surprised at how much we paid for a cup of good green tea but as he came to learn tea is one of my vices. I also brought a tin of Dragon well tea and a few souvenirs were purchased, with some fierce haggling going on. The market was as described, 'crazy'! We walked back and passed two copulating dogs, unremarkable except one was wearing a superman t-shirt, and a poodle riding a scooter, or at least sitting on the seat.
Chris found a back street restaurant and we had Gong Bao Ji Ding, one of my favorites and one I have cooked on occasion. Chris was tired as we walked for most of the day, so we headed back to the hotel. Sleep came easier but the boy racers were back in town during the night.
Crossing the roads here was an art, we became fans of GuanYin quickly in the hope she would keep a watchful eye on us.
第3天 2016年12月18日,这是我们一整天在上海。我们丰盛的早餐开始新的一天,在这里早餐让人无法认出你是普通的英国人。有鱼、水果、大蒜/五香豆,热豆浆和蟹春卷。筷子再次是首选工具!
静安寺在构造上非常熟悉,有一个巨大的幸运玉石,不得不揉搓一下。虽被搬迁和装修但建筑令人惊叹和历史深远,大钟、 锣、 鼓和雕像都值得一看,我们点了一些香,祈求在中国安全停留。然而它是极不协调,因为看到旧建筑被如此接近的新建筑物所围绕。
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