Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day 1 was the 16th December 2016

Day 1 was the 16th December 2016. We had organised visas, I will add an additional post on the rigors of visas later, airplane tickets and 8000¥, three suitcases and a taxi to the airport.

So here we were, almost 10 years later to the day, going back to China with our daughter. She did not remember China in any way, shape or form as she was 18 months old when we adopted her. So returning was to allow her to see, feel and touch her land of birth, to dip her toes into the culture and for once not to stick out in a crowd, that was now Mum and Dad's turn.

Saying goodbye to our son, two dogs and cat was difficult but  at 10.30 am we left to start our journey, I rang him at 11.30 to remind him to feed the dogs!

Getting through Heathrow was fairly straight forward and before we knew it we were on a flight, mainly of Chinese nationals, to Shanghai.

We had organised and paid for a guide to meet us at the airport on arrival. I will talk about Chris as we go on, but without him the whole trip would have been much harder and his fees were well within our budget.

His details are Chris Tao Ping (Interpreter and Consulting) and he is based in Nanchang 南昌. or

2016 12 16 日第一天。我们办理好了签证,另外补充说明那是严格的签证审查,带着机票和 8000 元人民币,三个行李箱和一辆出租车到机场。
几乎是 10 年后的某一天,我们和我们的女儿回到中国。我们收养她时她才18 个月大,她无法记得中国是什么样子或形状。所以回去中国是为了让她看看、感觉和触碰她出生的土地,体验文化,且这一次要她不人群脱颖而出,现在换成妈妈和爸爸
依依不舍告别我们的儿子,两只狗和猫,在上午 10:30我们踏上我们的旅程,我在上午十一时三十分打电话给儿子,提醒他记得

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